July Baby Quilt Sew-In

After being on hiatus for many weeks due to COVID-19 restrictions, it was wonderful to get back together to sew at the guild. It was a smaller group than normal, only nine. However, everyone wore a mask, kept social distance guidelines in mind, and still created some beautiful quilts during …

Alex Anderson

June Featured Author Many members of our guild credit Alex Anderson for getting them hooked on quilting. Her inspiration and love of quilting began in 1978 when she completed her Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt. Alex Anderson has an art degree from San Francisco State University, is the host of HGTV’s …

Amazon Smile

OPQG is now part of AmazonSmile! Your prices on Amazon stay the same but OPQG will receive a donation of every qualified purchase. How does AmazonSmile work? When first visiting AmazonSmile, customers are prompted to select a charitable organization from over one million eligible organizations. In order to browse or …

AQS Guild Buzz with Bonnie

We were excited to be part of Guild Buzz with Bonnie, a Facebook live event that featuring Bonnie Browning from the American Quilters Society interviewing our own Mary Loker. Here’s the video from that event.  

Gwen Marston

Like many of us, Gwen Marston became inspired to make quilts while viewing an exhibit of antique quilts in a museum (sometime in the 1970s). As most quilters do, she started learning the art of quilting by making quilts from traditional patterns passed down through generations. In 1990, Gwen began …

Barbara Brackman

April Featured Author Barbara Brackman has been crazy about fabric since she was a child. During the 1950s, she spent a lot of time watching old movies on television, and while watching, she kept her hands busy by embroidering dishtowels. Barbara became interested in quilt patterns in the 1960s while …

Karla Alexander

Our OPQG library includes five titles from author Karla Alexander. Make plans to check them out at the next guild meeting! Dynamic Quilts with Easy Curves (the topic is curved piecing) published 2012 New Cut for New Quilts (the topic is patchwork quilting) published in 2006 Stack a New Deck …

Quilts of Valor

On March 8, 2020, the Ozark Piecemakers Quilt Guild had a full house to witness veterans receive a Quilts of Valor. We were blessed with three men who served in WWII, three men from the Korean conflict, 12 men and one woman who served during the Vietnam conflict, and two …

A Featherweight Kind of Day

The little Singer Featherweight is one popular machine with many OPQG members. The pictures below were taken during the December 2019 Featherweight meeting. The room is packed with members, machines, and fun! The show-and-tell was simply amazing. For more information about the Featherweight group, click HERE.

2019 Christmas Party

Food, fun, and a fabulously good time is what the 2019 OPQG Christmas party was all about. A big thank you goes to members at large Janis Goetz, Wanda Coffelt, Vicki Brunk, and Janice Woodring, as their organization and enthusiasm created a wonderful time for everyone. They collected numerous door …