New Books in the OPQG Library

We have big news in the OPQG Library! We have added 200 new titles to our library in the past month and our library now has more than 1,100 books. Each book has something to offer—inspiration, instruction, patterns, news of quilting in other places, quilt history, and other cultures. The library now is divided into sections making it easy to identify topics with shelf tags and colored dots. Look for an upcoming notice about missing books. If you have one or more books to return (that are past due), simply drop them into the Book Return Box, no questions asked!

Looking through the colorful books, I am overwhelmed with ideas. A few of the new titles include

Victory Girls: Patriotic rugs and quilts of WWII by Polly Minick and Lauri Simpson: Patterns for patriots with a primitive aesthetic. Rug hooking as well as quilting and embroidery.

Patchwork Sassaman Style by Jane Sassaman. Have you been thinking of trying a kaleidoscope quilt? Jane has simplified the concept into a 4-patch design using patterned fabrics.

In a hurry? Christmas is coming! A plethora of books have arrived, including Big ‘n Easy by Judy Hopkins; Quick Colorful Quilts by Rosemary Wilkinson; 24-Hour Quilts by Rita Weiss; Weekend Scrap Quilting by Jeanne Stauffer and Sandra Hatch;  and Irish Chain Quilt in less than a Day by Eleanor Burns.

Look for these and more in our Patchwork section (yellow dots). A pink notebook will help you look up specific titles or authors and direct you into which section to look. However, many books could be in different sections so see the posted charts for suggestions on other locations to search for the title you are seeking.  Remember to ask in your group leaders who have been trained to check out books from our library.

There is nothing like browsing through a quilt book right before bed to give you visions of color dancing through your head.

Kathleen Day, Librarian